Rhythms of Life

As I rode my bike home today, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness, peace, and a hopefulness for the future. There was nothing out of the ordinary that brought these thoughts about. There was nothing incredible that happened or life-altering. It actually is the fact that life has seemed more normal than ever. Life has a rhythm to it that is beyond what I've experienced the past five years...God is making the rhythm and He is asking me to fall into step with it. 
In the past, I created my own rhythm and I even tried to join in with other's rhythms and activities. This happened with my job, my church life, social media, and even friendships. It left me worn out, my husband frustrated, and made me a not-so-happy-people-pleasing-person.
The past few months have been about embracing something better than people pleasing: God pleasing. For Tim and I, that has meant letting go of activities that have left us frazzled, relationships that have depleted our energy, and letting go of our past life which was governed by social media, the clock, or one activity after the next. 
Now, we enjoy the weekends because we have time for each other and for God.
Now, we choose to not fill every moment of our evenings with activity so we can dedicate our time to one activity/person and do it well unto the Lord.
Now, I am learning to be consistent and steady with the little I have been given instead of being driven by emotions like a ship tossing on waves.
Now, I enjoy planning meals and eating them with Tim. They aren't rushed anymore but are leisurely, tasty, and allow us to time to talk.
Now, I am learning to light candles, sit down more, and embrace the quietness.
Now, God is showing me how beautiful it is to be a partaker of His calm and His plan rather than my idea of calm and my idea of a plan.
Now, God is teaching me to find joy and peace in Him not in things, people, or activity. God is my Creator and God is setting my life to a rhythm that is His creation. There's no place else I'd rather be.


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