terms of commission

This morning, I started to read a little booklet about the terms of commission 
for a follower of Jesus Christ. 
Our Lord and Savior has set terms that His disciples must follower. 
It is convicting to ask oneself, 
"Am I following His terms? Or am I following my terms?"

Quotes from the booklet:
1. The Sovereignty of our Master
"ALL authority is given unto me." Rejected, slain by man, He is now enthroned at God's right hand and made "both Lord and Christ," invested with absolute authority in every sphere. How will He use that authority? He will use it with sovereign grace for the blessing of the nations. Therefore He gathered His servants around Him and gave them their marching orders.

2. The Scope of Our Ministry
"Make disciples of ALL the nations." His grace, because it is sovereign, leaps over the narrow confines of Israel, and the message of His blessing for man is carried to the nations and broadcast amongst the Gentiles. With what object in view? That sinners might be saved from Hell? Emphatically yet, yet that is not what the Lord said. "Make disciples" is His word. He has in mind, and, by the terms of their commission His servants also much have in mind as they carry the Gospel to the nations, that all who receive the message are thus brought to His feet, to be taught by Him, to imbibe His doctrine, to own Him Lord of their lives and to obey His will no matter where it leads or what is costs. The true servant of Christ, as he preaches the Gospel, must have nothing less than that before him as his object. Anything less will not fulfill the terms of his commission.

3. The Subject of Our Message
"Baptizing them...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Once someone has accepted Christ as Lord, it is followed by baptism. For, in that act of obedience, there is, on the part of disciples of the Lord Jesus, the public severance of every moral tie that bound them to the worldly life, the sin life, and the self life, and a solemn surrender of themselves to the absolute authority of their sovereign Lord and Master henceforth, to live for His pleasure and, if needs be, to die in His cause. The attitude of the disciple...we must remember that there is a responsibility placed upon the shoulders of the servant. "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." That necessarily includes all that the Lord afterwards commanded in the progress of Divine revelation because Paul states, "If anyone things himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord." 

Are you following His terms? Or are you following your terms?


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