Open Wide

"He has filled the hungry with good things." Luke 1:53

I read this today at church and asked Jesus, what good things will you fill my hungry heart with today? Immediately, my mind went to the "good things" that are described in Philippians 4:8.

"Whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."

Yes, these are "good things" that Jesus can fill my heart with and I was blessed when I read it. But my mind became filled with hundreds of questions like: how? how will You fill? do i need to "do anything" to make these meditations possible? how do i think of lovely things? i don't have anything in me that is great to think on, so where do i start? 

God stopped me in my tracks and He reminded me of this: He is the one that fills. He is the one that will give me something to meditate on...if I strive to "do" it, He can not fill me up. At this moment, the most beautiful name filled my thoughts: JESUS.

Jesus is the "good thing." He is the one to meditate one.

This beautiful truth consumed my thoughts the rest of church and I wrote down the truths that were being spilled into my heart by the Holy Spirit. Let's take a look at Philippians 4:8 again and think of each of these aspects with Jesus in each of them. God gave me verse after verse for each word in 4:8, I put the Scripture reference to each part in parentheses. Read's gonna be beautiful :-)

-Whatever things are true: Jesus, You are the way, the TRUTH, and the life.
-Whatever things are noble: Jesus, You are the noblest of all Kings. You deserve and are worthy of all praise, power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing. You are the worthy Lamb that was slain.
-Whatever things are just: Jesus, You are just and you bring salvation (Zechariah 9:9)
-Whatever things are pure: Jesus, You were pure. Your Father made You bear all of our sins even though You were spotless and the blameless lamb of God. (Isaiah 53:6)
-Whatever things are lovely: Jesus, You are all together lovely.
-Whatever things are of good report: Jesus, when You were put on trial, no one found anything wrong with You and many said You were an innocent man.
-if there is any virtue: Jesus, these are virtuous truths to think on because You are upright and are worthy of my attention
-if there is anything praiseworthy: Jesus, Your name is to be praised and thinking on You is just so good!

These are good things that can fill all of our hungry souls.
Open your mouth wide, because He will fill it. Psalm 81:10


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