where would i be?

This blog post has been written, deleted, re-written, and re-deleted. Third time's the charm, right? Just click on the link below and listen to this song by Lyndsay Taylor. If you're anything like me today, I needed a reminder of how much I need Jesus. My mind was racing on other "things" this morning - things that are earthly and materialistic. "Things" that look good in the sight of men (even in Christian circles) but are not honoring to the Lord because the motivation behind it was not in love. "Things" that can cause a heart to be proud rather than humble.
As my thoughts were soaring, the Holy Spirit seemed to say, "Just stop what you're doing, Mel. Listen." As I stopped, a song came from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and noticed my pandora list was playing and I had forgotten about it. So - I stopped. And listened. The song was titled, "My Soul's Greatest Joy." The words started playing and I couldn't help but wonder: Where would I be without Jesus? Without Him, my mind would continue to think of this earth rather than on Him. Without Him, I would not be able to rise forgiven. Without Him, I would have no picture of true humility, true love, and true peace. Without Him, my life would be nothing.
Where would I be without Jesus?
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Song Link:


  1. Such a good reminder!! What would any of us be without Him?! He is so kind to bring us to those 'desparate' points where we see we can't depend on ourselves..'I need thee, O I need thee..every hour I need thee..' Love, Mom


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