My Constant One

Two Weeks. Slightly sick. Three days. Really sick. 


I'm now on Day 3 of this bug and I could use an attitude check. Actually, that's what I prayed to the LORD when I traveled to Wal-Mart to pick up more medicine, lozenges, and Kleenex's. Guess what? He gave me an attitude check ... in a much needed way. My dear friend Kelly gave me a CD to copy a few summers ago, it was a compilation of some of her favorite songs and she titled it "Praying Through the Rain." I set it on random. It played "My Constant One," by Michelle Tumes. 

Can a song make you start crying? Yes. And you can imagine what crying, stuffy nose, headache, and tight lungs creates :-) 

As I listened to the song, I just wanted to fall on my knees in the car and just ask for forgiveness. It is so easy for me to only see the bad in circumstances and only see the disappointments. Where have I lost sight of the fact that my God is constant in every circumstances. Not just in the good ones, but in the bad ones too. 

"When I wake, when I sleep I hear whispers that seek to reach me. My constant One. When I dance, when I weep. When I run, You are with me."  

"But as for me, I would seek GOD, and to GOD I would commit my cause - who does great things, and unsearchable, marvelous things without number...For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole." Job 5:8-9, 18

What an amazing thing that Job describes here - God's faithfulness, His constant character. The Scripture seems to point out several things about God and about us. About God - He does great things, He does unsearchable things, He does marvelous things that have no number in our world! He always binds up. He makes us whole by His hands and His hands alone. About us - we are to seek God, we are to commit our cause (our problems, our circumstances, our relationships...etc.) to God, we can trust God, we can expect great things from a Constant God. We can expect chastening and discipline when we sin, but God "will never leave us, not will He forsake us." 

"When I taste of the words that you speak, they will feed my hunger, My Constant One." 

"O LORD, You know...Your words were found, and I ate them. And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16

Here is a link to the song that reminded me of His constant character and my need to be reminded of that constant character - only HE can provide the constant love, satisfaction, and fulfillment that we need.


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