Trying to Kindle our Own Fire...Part 1

This morning - the birds were chirping, the sun was slowly seeping through my shades and my thoughts drifted straight towards my Savior. Gratitude filled my heart. Why? Because God and His Word have never failed me - it says in Lamentations 3: 22... "It is because of the LORD's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His tender compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your Faithfulness! The LORD is my portion, says my inner self; therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. The LORD is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him." 

Does anyone else get chills when they read those hopeful words? The LORD reminded me this morning that it is so easy for me to look to man (to people in my life, to other books, and to other outlets) instead of The ONE that supplies all I am. He, our Great God, is the I Am! Jesus Christ clearly says in Revelation, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Who is, Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty." What other hope and source of strength do we have, except that which is found in Christ Jesus our LORD? 

Right now - many decisions lie at my feet. Ones that are hard and ones that require wisdom. How easy it is for me to busy myself to find wisdom or seek outside sources to find wisdom - yet God, so simply, says that if we need wisdom we are to ASK of our Giving God for wisdom (James 1). The last part of Lamentations 3 says that we are to wait hopefully and expectantly on Him - He wants us to seek Him. The Amplified clarifies what "seeking" means by adding, "to those who inquire after Him and require His presence because we need Him and because of the authority of His Word." The Authority of His Word! The very book that we have the freedom to hold in our hands (in America!)...that is where we go when we need Him. Our Giving God of wisdom will show us where to go and what to do through the power of His Spirit. 

Wherever God has you right now...let go, and let God. He is the Faithful One. He desires us to seek Him for our source of strength, wisdom, and direction...trying to kindle our own fire and make our own way in this world will lead to confusion and frustration. We're like the doubting man, in James 1, on the horrible waves when we doubt. And I get slightly sea sick when things rock back and forth, so that's not good!!! The best place to be is in a place of reliance on Him - a hunger for His wisdom, His ways, and His Word. A hunger for TRUTH. 

"Let us search out and examine our ways, and let us return to the LORD! Let us lift our hearts and hands to GOD in heaven." Lamentations 3:40-41. 

May His Peace Reign in your Lives Today and May we Rest on the Authority of His Word.


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