SATurdays - does that means I'm supposed to sit all day?!?

This Saturday - I did not sit.
Actually, quite the opposite occurred. 
Tried Zumba for the first time with a co-teacher - if you haven't tried it, grab a friend and hit your local gym. It was such a blast! It's salsa dancing put into a workout routine...I didn't know you could laugh so much in a group workout but it was so much fun! Probably looked like an absolute dork because most of the ladies knew what to do - I resorted to clapping my hands/tapping my feet if I didn't know what to do. This happened a lot.

After Zumba, I needed to make some brownies for our break on Sunday morning at church....

normal brownie cake mix + secret ingredients:
coffee & vanilla extract & an extra egg


mini cupcakes with whipped cream cheese frosting

delicious brownies that will be topped off 
with small fresh strawberries in the morning

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The past few days, my thoughts have been drifting towards the word "faith." I've been asking the basic questions Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? - not with the concept of faith for salvation but faith for Who God Is and how I am to live in light of Who He Is. Perhaps I'm programmed differently than everyone else, but I struggle with believing what I can't see in front of myself. If this "struggle" is real, how then can one become a Woman of Faith? I'm challenged by that question. But the answer to the question is much simpler than we want it to be - we can become a Woman of Faith when we take God at His Word. So simple. Yet, so hard to live out. A Woman of Faith does not cling to the emotional or even that which one can see/touch/feel/hear....but she clings to who God is, what He says about Himself, what the Word of God says, and she fervently clings to the truth that He never changes. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, [yes] and forever." Hebrews 13:8

Faith is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Faith is the very substance of things we can not see. 

a few be continued...

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  1. I'm taking credit for you trying zumba after Emily's and my awesome demonstration at Sooner. :)

  2. YAY!!!!! HAHAHAH - that is SO true! It was YOU and Emily that introduced it to me! I kindof forget about the eipc show of you and Emily demonstrating it on the pool deck ;- )

  3. Oh my goodness. Reading this just gave me chills- not to be too emotional, haha. That faith's directly connected to trust...that's my struggle. Do I trust God at His words? Do I trust that He is who He says He is? I should and if I did, 100%, then I would have unfailing faith in Him and His plans. Thankful He hasn't given up on me yet. He is good and what He does is good. Love you friend. :)


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