This morning I was driving around Edmond, running errands and getting ready for different classes...and I started thinking, "WoW - I am just so tired, LORD! I've been going, going, going...will I get a chance to rest a bit sometime soon?!?" As I sat in my car thinking about my tired heart and physical body, the next song track on my Indelible Grace V came on. Sometimes I forget to listen to words and simply hum the tune as I drive in the car, but today...I heard the word..."come." That one word was so comforting.
Comforting because God knew just what I needed at that direct minute in my life.
Comforting because all I need to do is simply come. Just as I am, just as I was, just as I will be He loves me; He does.
Comforting because He is my Shepherd and He leads His sheep beside still waters and simply asks me to come to Him.
Comforting beacuse He so gently reprimanded me with the awareness that I tend to go to everyone else but Him for my strength, sustainability, and nourishment. I must go to Him - no, I must RUN to Him at all times because He is my Father and Lover of my soul.
Here is the beautiful hymn that Indelible Grace re-did, might it encourage your hearts as well as you go along in this life:
"Come," said Jesus sacred voice
"Come and make My paths your choice
I will guide you to your home,
Weary pilgrim, hither come."
"Hither come, for here is found
Balm that flows for every wound
Peace that ever shall endure
Rest eternal, sacred, sure
Rest eternal, sacred, sure."
-Anna L. Barbauld
"Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30


  1. I needed this today, Melissa. I'm feeling the very same way you are right now. =)
    So thankful the Lord uses different people and avenues to minister to our heart, and encourage us to press on for Him, and to finish our daily tasks for His glory.

  2. Hmmm. Yes, I needed this, too. It's been a long semester and I'm finding it difficult to persevere. The Lord is always so faithful and sure, though. Oh, how I long to be at rest in Him. :)

  3. Come. Yes. Why don't we then? Rest. I've been thinking that will only happen in the grave. But the Lord doesn't say when you die I will give you rest. Unless we think of dying to self and yielding to Him. Daily taking up the cross, dying to self. Resting in Him may not mean being restful on earth, but today? I'm thankful He died on the cross so I might live eternally with Him. I can choose to rest now in Him, casting my burdens upon Him, knowing that my future rest is secure, trusting in Him. luvya, ken


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