What We Proclaim is Not Ourselves

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give all the glory!" Psalm 115:1
As I arrived back in the States last week...I had one song that I wanted to share with everyone because it was a song I instantly "clicked" on whenever I put my i-pod on during the many travels throughout Ireland. It reminded me of what I am...simply an empty vessel that seeks to be poured out for the Master's use, II Timothy 2:19-21. And then I was reminded in the song that it is not to me at all that any glory, power or praise should be given, rather it should be wholly given to God. That is what the three of us sought as we journeyed across Ireland...to be clay in the Potter's hands, to be shaped/stretched/molded in various ways and to proclaim His holy name; for there is no other name like it! This song can be found on http://www.gloryrevealed.com/.
Might this same claim as being "jars of clay" in the outreaches in Ireland be found in the three of us as we seek to be lights to our own communities here in the States...to go boldly "forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach" with the gospel; being reminded that time is short, the harvest is so very ripe and the laborers are few.

We have this treasure in jars of clay
to show that the power comes from GOD.
We are afflicted in every way, but we're not crushed.
We are perplexed, but not driven to despair...
persecuted but not forsaken. No, no.
We are struck down, but not destroyed...
struck down, but not destroyed.
What we proclaim is not ourselves,
what we proclaim is not ourselves.
O, we proclaim! The holy name of Jesus!
We have this treasure in jars of clay
to show that the power comes from GOD.

Not to us, O Lord. Not to us, O Lord.
But to Your name be the glory.

p.s. Will try and write more updates about the outreaches in Ireland! The posts might not be very long due to time constraints on my end because of school...but pictures will definitly be coming!

"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!" Psalm 8:1

The three of us smiling during one of our many bus rides!


  1. Amen...oh that we might be vessels fit for the Master's use! Thanks for that song...can't wait to buy the cd! :-)


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