Last Night of Kids Club

It's so hard to believe that another year has come and gone with our Bible Club at the chapel. The last night of the year is always so bittersweet to me - I love these kids so much. We've been through so much together and have learned many things along the road about ourselves and, most importantly, about God and His Son Jesus Christ. Many of these kids come from very rough backgrounds. Some live in shacks, others have parents that are in jail, some come to Bible Club simply because there is food available for them that they couldn't get at home, and others come becomes they want and they need to be loved. Did I mention I love each and every kids that comes to Bible Club? : )
...I must say, Guthrie is a huge mission field and our little chapel is right in the middle of it all. The Lord has blessed our Bible Club in hundreds of ways this year - the biggest being that so many kids were attentive this year and always seemed to ask searching questions about God, life, the Bible, Jesus...etc. Many of them come out on Sundays now, which is so much fun! If you ever come to our second meetings on Sunday there are quite a few kids that call first row and always (for some reason!) holler "Miss Melissa, I saved you a spot!" Oh, I love them : ) But Jesus loves them even more...and it is the love of Jesus that compels me and draws me to these kids every Tuesday night.
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Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white - they are precious in His sight,
Jesus love the little children of the world!

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Here are some pictures of our awards night! I'm working on making a video from the whole year - from our summer VBS to our Awards Night, will try and get that up soon!

Yep - we went rollerskating...Old School Style : )

Courtney (the "ham") and Rachelle

Rachelle and I - we've been through so much together, pray for her salvation

Little Avery Dawn enjoying the night

I got Dagon to smile!!! He was insane on those skates!

Shelby and I - we were skating "partners" for the night!


  1. I cannot believe how much older Rachelle looks since the last time I saw her at Sooner.

    It's so neat that we get to be a part of the lives of these children and are able to show them the love of Christ through our love for them...

  2. Lovely pictures, Mel. I'm so thankful for the ministry that the Lord has given you all at Guthrie and for your faithfulness to serve where He's placed you.

  3. Looks like so much fun! Next time you're in town, we need to go quad skating!! :-) Thanks for sharing pics of the kids the Lord is placing in your life to make a difference and share His love! Praying for you!!

  4. SO fun mel!! By the way, you are absolutely gorgeous : ) And I love you!


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