
There is no way I could resist the tempation to put this little "story" on here that happened to me today - I have never laughed so hard nor been so stunned by a 2-year-olds perception.
Here it goes:
I was at Target in between class period just browsing around...being really bored because I didn't need to buy anything and I wasn't looking for anything. But I found a cute and modest dress on the 75% rack for only 4 dollars! It was black and had red flowers printed abstractly on it. I picked it up and was rummaging around to see if there were any more great dress deals (because I LOVE a bargain!). Suddenly, this little boy with blond hair and blue eyes comes up to me...he looks up at me, scrunches his little face and says with utmost curiosity, "Why are you buying a spiderman suit?" My mouth dropped open. What? I had picked up a spiderman suit? Then I looked at the items hanging on my right arm. Oh yes - that 4 dollar dress was the culprit. So I looked at the boy and said, "It does look like a spiderman suit, doesn't it?" He smiled and nodded his head "yes."His mom came up and apologized, but I just started laughing. Maybe I just haven't laughed in a long time, but this incident just seemed SO funny to me! Needless to say, that little boy made my day in so many ways and he helped me decide not to get that black dress with red flowers printed abstractly on it.
Sometimes 4 dollars just isn't even worth it.


  1. haha - but Melissa, doesn't everyone want to walk around in a dress that resembles Spider Man?

    I love the perspectives of little kids. It always makes my day...

  2. Oh, that made me laugh! I love how kids see the world around them :) Thanks for sharing this, I need to laugh too.

  3. Mel! I revived my blog...mostly for myself...and therefore found yours again! It looks different now? beautiful! : )

  4. NICE. I love 2-year-olds, they're the best. I'd like to see that dress, actually.


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