Make Pure

Searcher of spirits,
Try Thou my reins and heart;
Cleanse Thou my inward part-
Turn, overturn and turn.
Wood, hay and stubble see
Spread out before Thee;
Burn, burn.
Worker in gardens,
Dig round my hidden root,
Let branch, leaf, bud and fruit
Respond in quickened life.
Seek out the canker there-
Cut out and do not spare
Thy knife.
Savior of sinners,
Out of depths I cry,
"Perfect me, patient One;"
In Thy revealing light,
I stand confessed-outright,
O to be holy!
Thou wilt not say me nay
Who movest me to pray:
"Enable to endure."
Spiritual cleansing Fire,
Fulfill my heart's desire:
Make pure.
-Amy Carmichael
"I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:1-2
The purest place,
that is where I long to be;
and if that means pruning,
then it means pruning...
O, but Lord, will it hurt?
Yes. It will probably hurt.
Maybe even be painful and might require waiting.
But "by this My Father is glorfied, that you bear much fruit; so that you will be My disciples." John 15:8


  1. I have been studying John 15 for the past several months--and really enjoying it. Thanks for posting this poem.

  2. Oh Melissa, to be pruned is to hurt deeply, but the result is worth it!


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