Found this beautiful poem stuck on the back of the new Missions Magazine and just spent some time thinking about it this morning. Thought I would share it with each of you readers, might it encouraged your hearts and strengthen you in the inner man
Gravely the priest in his arms takes the lamb,
Ready to give a most thorough exam.
Under its wool, in its mouth, and its ears,
Probing to check it's as pure as appears.
Finally he states the results of his quest:
"This lamb no fault has I firmly attest."
For only such could God's judgment restrain;
Anything less would be offered in vain.
Year after year the blood freely did flow,
Yet still the debt for our sin we did owe.
Only a perfect man's blood could erase,
Our stain of sin so it's gone without trace.
But there existed no man that'd suffice,
And even so, who would pay such a price?
Then one day God sent His Son as a Man,
Setting in motion His salvation plan.
Keenly they watched Him from babe to adult,
Hoping He'd sin so that they could exult.
But in the end a fake trial they held,
False accusations they angrily yelled.
Not once but three times did Pilate profess:
"This Man no fault has I firmly attest."
Since only such could God's judgment negate,
Pilate unwittingly settled His fate.
Willing He went to the place of the skull,
Wanting our debt to forever annul.
God became flesh but yet still the I AM,
The final sacrifice: Jesus the Lamb.
-Elizabeth Barrier


  1. I love this!!!! Thanks for sharing this poem. How we would be absolutely lost and ugly without our precious Savior......

    Praise the Lord He was willing to give me a wretch an amzing life and awesome eternity!!!!!

    Love you dear Melissa!!!! Come stay sometime!!!!


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