I Must Remember Thee

I have typed, re-typed and re-re-typed this first paragraph. Finally, I just decided to *delete* it all and just lay my thoughts flat out on the table. No beating around the bush.
Think about your answers to each question:
These questions were written for me...but you can use them too ; )
How often do we come away from the Remembrance Meeting refreshed?
If you are refreshed and encouraged, for what reason?
What reason, I then ask, causes us to meet the way we do?
What is the central focus of that Remembrance Meeting?
And if we meet to remember Him that day, as a collective body of believers, how much more so should we, as individuals, be remembering Him on a daily basis?
Are we remembering Him on a daily basis?
And what is the central focus of our daily remembrance of Him?

Last Sunday, we looked at this "thought-process" of questions in the Remembrance Meeting. That might sound a little funny. And of course, the men didn't bring about the questions this way. But almost every man spoke in the Remembrance Meeting last Sunday and each one was saying these very thoughts, but in different ways.

"Why are we here?"
"What brings us all here together, sinners/transgressors as we are?"
"The Blood of the Lamb."
"The cross is what brings us here together."
"He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Isaiah 53:12b
"We love and remember Him because He first loved and remembered us."
"This should be our story. This should be our song. Not just this Sunday morning, but every morning...this should be our full-time story and song."
These thoughts have been in my mind all evening, I can't seem to get the Remembrance Meeting and all that the men shared out of my head! But I don't want it out of my head! Because Christ's death on the cross and Christ's payment for my sins is something I am still amazed about. It is amazing grace. This evening, I was able to spend some nice time just searching Scripture and looking at different hymns - refreshing my thoughts back to the cross. Back to Jesus Christ. Back to a remembrance of Him that should be daily in our lives.
Oh the peace forever flowing
from GOD's tho'ts of His own Son.
Oh the peace of simply knowing
on the cross that all was done.
When to the cross,
I turn my eyes,
and rest on Calvary,
O Lamb of GOD,
my Sacrifice,
I must remember Thee
-James Montgomery
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels,
for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone.
Hebrews 2:9
Thou hast borne all for me
And I said, 'This is my anguish; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.' I will remember the works of the LORD, surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. Your way, O GOD, is in the sanctuary; who is so great a GOD as our GOD? You are the GOD who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your arm redeemed Your people. the sons of Jacob and Joseph."
Psalm 77:10-15
And with all this being said... I still can't understand His awesome ways! I still can't comprehend the power of the cross and what it must have meant for Him to suffer so, for me! For you!
Let's never forget that "He poured out His soul unto death..." Isaiah 53:12 and "surely He has borne our griefs, carried our sorrows...and the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:4,6
When we come to the Remembrance Meeting...we come to a "forget-Me-not" feast. And daily we must remember Him and have that "forget-Me-not" mentality. Be brought back to our condition as sinners, but also be reminded of the wonderful truth that we are justified and sanctified by Christ's blood shed for us on the cross. So when we do come Sunday morning -> our hearts are prepared, open and ready to remember Him, knowing that we come into the presence of a Holy and Awesome GOD.
Beloved, the precious blood of Christ should be kept by us in vivid remembrance...there is something to me most touching about that cup...and that bread...O blessed Master, by what striking methods do You teach us? Then let us be impressed with the reality of the lesson, and never treat Thy passion as a thing of sentiment, nor make it a myth, nor view it as a dream of the imagination. Thou shalt be in death most real to us, even as is that cup wherof we drink. The dear memorials if our Lord's blood-shedding are intended for a personal remembrance...Beloved, we must come into personal contact with the death of Christ. This is essential. We must each one say, "He loved me, and gave Himself for me." In His blood you must be personally washed; by His blood you must be personally reconciled to God; through His blood you must personally have access to God; and by His blood you must personally overcome the enemy of your souls. As the Israelite's own door must be smeared with blood of the Passover lamb, so must you individually partake of the true Sacrifice, and know each one for himself the power of His redemption."
-Charles Spurgeon, excerpt from "His Dying Request" by David Dunlap


  1. Hey Melissa...I got my new layout from LeeLou Blogs...I found their website through Ruth. They got some fun layouts & they're really easy to download....I've got a link to them on my blog if you want to check it out.

  2. Hey Mel,
    Great thoughts, would that we would never get used to the "way we do things," or what our central focus should be.
    Jenny K


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