
Showing posts from August, 2013

is this normal?

Take a look at the stove top in the Haugrud there something wrong with this picture? ~ As I was concocting a soup, I couldn't find the black ladle to stir the soup. Mind you, I had placed it directly beside the pot and had not registered this in my mind. So - what else should I grab but a spatula? Here I am, stirring soup with a spatula. The timer goes off for the rolls in the oven so I quickly place the spatula down and look at the rolls. Tim comes home, too. Slightly distracted and in the mad rush to "stir the soup" one more time (why?), I couldn't find the spatula!! Instead of taking a breath to look for the spatula or even the black ladle again, I quickly grab the first thing I see! A whisk. The whisk is used to give it a stir. Voila! Soup is finished! At this point, I take a breath and notice a few things. The stove top. The black ladle. The spatula. The whisk. The opened spices. Cooking is quite the adventure :-)

where would i be?

This blog post has been written, deleted, re-written, and re-deleted. Third time's the charm, right? Just click on the link below and listen to this song by Lyndsay Taylor. If you're anything like me today, I needed a reminder of how much I need Jesus. My mind was racing on other "things" this morning - things that are earthly and materialistic. "Things" that look good in the sight of men (even in Christian circles) but are not honoring to the Lord because the motivation behind it was not in love. "Things" that can cause a heart to be proud rather than humble. As my thoughts were soaring, the Holy Spirit seemed to say, "Just stop what you're doing, Mel. Listen." As I stopped, a song came from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and noticed my pandora list was playing and I had forgotten about it. So - I stopped. And listened. The song was titled, "My Soul's Greatest Joy." The words started playing and I couldn't h...