Choice Gleanings - April 4th

Great is Thy faithfulness! Lamentations 3:23

The faithful fail from among the children of men. Psalm 12:1

These wonderful words that thrill our souls, and rightly we love to sing them! But what about our faithfulness to God? He desires and deserves it. Are we faithful in our love for Him or have we left our first love? Many now profess Christ but love the world. Are we faithful stewards, or stingy and selfish? Many love materialism and pleasure more than God. Are we faithful to the Word or contemporary so as to please others? Brethren, let us be faithful to God, whatever the cost!

Thy way, not mine, O LORD, however dark may be!

Lead me by Thine own hand of love, choose out the path for me.

-Horatius Bonar

The words by Horatius Bonar are put to music in this song. I couldn't help but just sing along with it this morning as I listened to it. Praying that we would serve Him joyfully and faithfully today!



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