I'm still here :-)

My friend Liz inspired me to write - she'll be blogging while she's serving the LORD in Colombia...so I need to keep her up-to-date about my life :-) 

1st - Quote of the Day "Students will explore the mysterious world of antonyms." OK - this made me laugh SO SO hard!!! It might not make you laugh - but if anyone likes English...you have to understand that antonyms are not mysterious. They are either black or white, positive or  negative, agreeable or disagreeable. That's all.

2nd - my studies in Hebrews have ended...though I've come to see it as one of the richest books in the Word of God. The Lord taught me so much about Jesus being the revealer of God and the representative of   man.

3rd - Going through the NT is my next personal goal. The book of Matthew has been read...it was finished yesterday, but I am still stuck on the ending of the book. The Great Commission. We always hear such emotional charges from preachers to be zealous about these verses - and rightly so! But what really struck me were the last words of Jesus "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (28:20b). Did you catch that? After receiving such a strong and powerful charge to "GO. MAKE DISCIPLES. BAPTIZE. TEACH. OBSERVE," we hear these refreshing words that we are not in this alone! We hear that He is with us...even to the end of the age! My friend, I don't know where the Lord has you right now but I know He has me in a position where I need to cling to these words of Truth. He desires us to "boldly say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:6 
As you, my friend, go out and make disciples...don't be disheartened in the work of the Lord. He is with you. He will never leave you. We are eternally secure in our salvation and on top of that, we are eternally secure in knowing that He walks before, beside, and behind us as we live in obedience to Him.  

These thoughts have been swarming in my head all day yesterday and today...these words of our Lord have surrounded me with joy, comfort, and peace - He cares. He sees. He watches. And He is always with us - even to the end of the ages. 


  1. Thanks for the great reminder of Him always being with us! :)
    What are you up to this summer?

  2. Oh, by the way, that was me, Rachel U. :) For some reason I can't get my google account to sign me in to make comments, so I'm anonymous. :) Love you and praying for you!

  3. Mysterious antonyms...hmm. Praying for you this summer! I'll try to call sometime soon.


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