
Let's FF>> (fast forward) a few days (about a week) in the whole German Trip :-) I always enjoy talking about it.

On January 4th, Tim and I dropped off his family at the airport in Munchin (munich). I thoroughly enjoyed every single minute with the Haugrud family as we journeyed across Germany/Italy/Austria/Slovenija together - so this was a hard departure. We enjoyed a nice ride to the airport listening to some amazing Bing Crosby music - I had no idea that "Silent Night" could be sung in so many different ways! When we arrived at the airport, we got some kaffee and some donuts and then went to the line to tell them all goodbye. I miss them all so much still! Thank the Lord they made it home safely on the plane :-) Here is a picture of Tim and his family before they all left to go back home.

Once we left the airport, Tim and I headed into Munchin (munich) to walk around and find a place to eat an authentic Bavarian meal. We enjoyed spending loads of time in the car trying to find a parking place/parking garage. Some of these parking garages were very strange - one of them looked as if you would park your car on an uphill slope with a metal bottom...then when you press a lever the bottom would come up and basically hide your car from view. Yes - very strange. Thankfully, Tim found a more normal parking slot and we took that one. After exploring the town, taking pictures in front of lions (Tim did this), and visiting some old cathedrals we stopped at a great restaurant where we had *drum roll please* bratwurst and saurkraut. It was absolutely AMAZING!!! If there was such a thing as smell-a-blog I would try my best to make sure you could experience it with us!

Here are a few pics from Munchin

The other city Tim took me to visit was Nurnberg, about 90 minutes away from his home. It was a good day - Tim did a good job planning :-) We walked around the old part of the town, enjoyed some more yummy bratwurst and saurkraut, walked around an old fortress, visited about 6 old cathedrals (all beautiful and ornate), and just enjoyed being in a beautiful city on a very cold winter day. The pictures from the day are few but nice, so here they are - hope you all enjoy them! The last week with Tim was so nice - certainly will always treasure it and am, of course, looking forward to when we can spend more time together in-person in the future :-)

Ahhh - this picture is our last day together. We were finishing up some loose ends at his place before he dropped me back off at Brian and Aimee's place so we decided it'd be a nice time to stop and take a picture....or two...

Yes - that is me and the Norwegian flag...about as close to Norwegian as I'll ever get ;-)


  1. Can't wait to meet this guy someday! ;)

  2. I KNOW!!!! I can't wait
    til you meet him too! :-)
    It'll be a big event, I'm sure!


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