The "Osterreichian" Thing To Do...

Ahhh...hands DOWN, some of the best memories of the whole trip with the Haugrud family across Europe were times around the dinner table. Whether it was at Tim's place eating AAFES Anthony's Pizza (hey, they'll travel with you anywhere!) or enjoying food at the many get-togethers Brian Aimee had at their place or trying out a new restaurant in every city we visited (yes, now we know that Italian's eat everything in courses!). Wiener schnittzel, bratwurst, kaiserschmarrn, zwetschgenroster, real italian ravioli's, nous nougatt croissants...the list goes on!
While we were in Vienna (at the oldest zoo in the world which would make it one of the oldest zoo's in Europe...), the Haugrud clan got goulash. Now this isn't the typical American goulash we all know and love. It has meat in it along with a thick sauce and dumplings (egg/flour/salt mixture) - I didn't have the honor of trying this dish, but after watching everyone consume it and constantly talk about it, I decided to take on a family dinner and make goulash. Traditional Hungarian Goulash. YUM-o.
It didn't turn out perfect but it is a work in progress. All that really mattered to me was having my Dad like it and he loved it.

Thursday night I made Hungarian Goulash (this one called for green peppers and potatoe's which were probably not in the original ones I saw in Vienna)...but the dumplings were fabulous.

Kaiserschmarrn and Zwetschgenroster (plum sauce). We had this amazing dessert in Salsburg and was told by the waiter that this particular dish is usually eaten as an "entree" among the locals. Perhaps this is where we decided pancakes for supper is a good idea?

A close up of this scrumptious dessert. I wish you all reading this could have enjoyed this meal with me! Next time you visit...this will be on the menu : )

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Lunch with Mom and Sarah at Inspirations - 01-22-10. A really good time and I am so very thankful for the wisdom my Mom has and the guidance she gives daily toward each of us her so much!

Some Oatmeal bread I made on Monday. I just realized that all of these pictures show what a nerd I am in regards to cooking...but you all have to agree that there is nothing like a home-cooked meal.

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Often times as I bake/cook, the Lord usually tends to remind me of verses regarding satisfaction and thankfulness. I need to be reminded of this often : ) We know in Scripture that Jesus called Himself "the bread of life...the living bread" John 6:48,51a and in response to He made it clear that "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3. There is such a beautiful promise in these verses, that real life come from feeding on Him. Eternal life is found in Jesus Christ alone....and we are to live our lives completely founded upon Him and grounded in the Word.

Jeremiah 15:16 says, "Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts." It looks to me that Jeremiah "found" His words, which means he had to have been seeking them to begin I type this, I have to ask myself "Am I constantly seeking His Word? Feeding upon Him? Rejoicing in the fulfillment found in them?" The Word will be our hearts delight when we make it a point to seek His Words and eat/internalize/meditate on them.

All this brings me back to the reminder that Christ gave Himself for you and me. He gave up His own body and shed His own - "by that will (i.e. to do His Father's will of taking away the first to establish the second) we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sin forever, sat down at the right hand of God" Hebrews 10:10-12. What a portrayal of power and love in those verses! This makes me think of the Lord's Supper and the reminders we have of His on the cross in the can never grow tired of coming to the table where we see a loaf of bread and a cup of wine. All to remind us that He, the Son of God, decided to "taste for everyone" Heb. 2:9)...what a bitter taste that must have been! Might our hearts rise up with gratitude for the grace displayed on Calvary - "mercy there was great and grace was free; pardon there was multiplied to me, there my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary" William R. Newell 1895.

--- It's beautiful to think of all these things and realize that certain has been replaced by certain life! "For the wages of sin is but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23.


  1. I love the ways you incorporate Scripture into things like cooking. :) Looking forward to camp this summer with you!

  2. hey there's nothing wrong with loving to cook!
    love u girl,
    jenny k


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