It's Official : )

Should I let you all know what I am talking about?!?
Or perhaps just make you all guess?
Well, I would prefer to do the former, because who knows
what is going through everyone's minds right now! : )

Here is a hint:

I am going to


This trip is through my college, University of Central Oklahoma, and is counting to my last official elective for my major! Of course, this isn't like any normal class...we will be doing alot of tours through many historic sites, visiting memorials, exploring a new city and my favorite part is the fact that I get to meet new people : )
New people means new opportunities...
...and another way to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!
The trip will be from March 12th - 19th...and I hope to keep everyone posted with pictures and news and the adventures that will be encountered on this trip.
Oh! But wait! There is more! One of my dear and best friends, Anne-Marie Gaynier, is going with me!!! Praise the Lord for a fun, outgoing, uplifting and encouraging travel partner. We have traveled together before (to beautiful Africa) and I am so looking forward to spending time with her, once again, in another country.
We are both praying about connecting with some believers in the Berlin can be praying that those connections go well. Also pray that we will both be a testimony to all of our traveling buddies, many of them are my school mates, and there might be opportunities to share with them about who Jesus Christ is. Another prayer request would be that I can find some good, light weight, German tracts. There is a chance I might take only English tracts, but it might be nice to take a few tracts that are written in the native language I am visiting.
We would appreciate your prayers so much; for safety, for health, for our testimony and the that the Lord would start working on the hearts of those who are going and they would be open to talk about spiritual matters(He is already working on some, as I have had some neat conversations with some already!).
Will keep everyone posted and I hope to give you all a schedule and format of our trip so you can know where we are going and what we will be doing on a day-to-day basis.
...I am so
excited : )


  1. very cool! I'll be praying for you!

  2. That is so wonderful! Wow, and to be going with a friend. I will be praying for the Lord to open doors and bring great blessing in this experience.

  3. How exciting! I have dreamed of going to Germay since high school - I took German for 3 years and lots of my friends got to study there :) I will pray you have a great and profitable time!!!

  4. So you chose Germany over me? I'm crushed...jajaja. No, I'll be praying for you. Love you!


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