It's Official : )
Should I let you all know what I am talking about?!? --- Or perhaps just make you all guess? --- Well, I would prefer to do the former, because who knows what is going through everyone's minds right now! : ) Here is a hint: I am going to GERMANY!!! This trip is through my college, University of Central Oklahoma, and is counting to my last official elective for my major! Of course, this isn't like any normal class...we will be doing alot of tours through many historic sites, visiting memorials, exploring a new city and my favorite part is the fact that I get to meet new people : ) New people means new opportunities... ...and another way to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! --- The trip will be from March 12th - 19th...and I hope to keep everyone posted with pictures and news and the adventures that will be encountered on this trip. --- Oh! But wait! There is more! One of my dear and best friends, Anne-Marie Gaynier, is going with me!!! Praise the Lord for a fun, outgoing, upl...