Evening Musing
Tell me about the Master! I am weary and worn tonight. The day lies behind me in shadows, And only the evening is light. Light with a radiant glory That lingers about the west, My poor heart is aweary, aweary, And longs like a child for rest. Tell me about the Master! Of the wrong He freely forgave, Of His love and tender compassion, Of His love that is mighty to save. For my heart is aweary, aweary, Of the woes and temptations of life, Of the error that stalks in the noonday, Of falsehoods and malice and strife. Yet, I know that whatever of sorrow, Or pain or temptation befall, The Infinite Master hath suffered, And knoweth and pitieth all. So tell me the old, old story That falls on each wound like a balm, And my heart that was burdened and broken Shall grow patient, and strong, and calm. -Author Unkown Made me think of this hymn: Turn your eyes upon JESUS; Look full in HIS wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of HIS glory and grace. Certainly,...