
Showing posts from September, 2008

New Blog

My dear friend Anne has already discovered another "life" I have...hahaha. I figured I should inform all of you about it as well, now since you all are on the edge of your seats in-front of the computer screen wondering what I am going to say next. It's not THAT big of news - but I currently have another blog entitled: I am enrolled in an English Literature since 1800 class this semester and it is online. Therefore, part of my job was to create a blog and write on it every week something I have learned in my reading throughout the week. It's quite fun and I am loving finding all these "spiritual" meanings in people's writings. It is especially interesting having the Bible alongside while reading and comparing/contrasting how the world thinks vs. how our wonderful God thinks. So - incase any of you are bored and want a brief literature analysis, check out my blog! : )

It's about Time : )

Boy, do I hope no one is upset for my lack of writing here on my blog!!! I feel bad that I haven't written, but my summer was so busy and I am even busier now that I am back at home since it is my last year of school. Can you believe it? I have Senior Fever like you wouldn't know! ; ) Hmmm - where do I begin? Just over the past several weeks, the Lord has shown Himself to be sweeter and dearer to me as He has brought circumstances, verses and people into my life that have pointed and spurred me onto KNOWING Him more deeply. Having three campers come to Christ during Kids 6 of Turkey Hill was life-changing and life-challenging. God reminded me of His faithfulness that week...He has basically set that week in my life as a memorial to look back on. It was absolutely nothing I did! Which is what is so amazing - it was all about God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working in the girls' lives. "...If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God sup...